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kerry group competitors

SINGAPORE - Former foreign minister, George Yeo, will be joining the Kuok Group as vice-chairman of Kerry Group (HK) from Jan 1 next year.

In a note released on his Facebook page this afternoon, it stated that he will be based in both Singapore and Hong Kong.

Mr Yeo added that he will be handing over his appointment as Adviser to grassroots organizations in Aljunied GRC at the end of this year, but remains a Visiting Scholar at the LKY School of Public Policy.

The Kerry group - primarily a property firm - also owns a controlling stake of the South China Morning Post, the most successful English-language newspaper in China and Hong Kong, reported The Straits Times.

The Kuok Group is a Malaysian conglomerate run by 'sugar king' Robert Kuok, for which Mr Yeo was senior advisor since Oct this year.

Mr Yeo served 23 years in Government, and held posts such as minister for information and the arts, health minister, trade and industry minister and foreign minister.

He led the People's Action Party Aljunied GRC team that lost to the opposition Workers' Party in the May general election.

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