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jon bon jovi

'Heaven looks a lot like New Jersey:' Jon Bon Jovi's living on more than a prayer as he laughs off death rumours on Twitter 

Although rumours swirled today that he had met his untimely end, Jon Bon Jovi wants his fans to know that he's alive and very well.
The 49-year-old Livin' On A Prayer tweeted a humorous photograph today in response to Internet rumours suggesting he had died.
In the picture, Jon is standing in front of a Christmas tree wearing one of his standard black muscle T-shirts.
He wears a huge grin on his face as he holds up a sign reading: 'Heaven looks a lot like New Jersey
One of his handlers announced the happy news via Jon's own personal Twitter account mere hours ago.
'Rest assured that Jon is fine! This photo was just taken', the Bon Jovi personnel stated..

Indeed, Jon's sign is emblazoned with the date and a time stamp: December 19 at six in the evening.
If the sign isn't sufficient enough evidence, his rep also confirms to TMZ.com that he's still rocking.
Jon can also be seen this holiday season in the romantic comedy New Year's Eve.
He plays a musician (go figure) named Jensen in Garry Marshall's follow-up to 2010's Valentine's Day..

In the film, he must sort out his feelings for ex-girlfriend Laura (Katherine Heigl) before the ball drops in New York City's Times Square.
Despite its A-list cast members, who also include Robert DeNiro, Lea Michele, Ashton Kutcher and Michelle Pfeiffer, the movie failed to perform at the box office.
It raked in only $13.7 million during its opening weekend despite its $56 million price tag.

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