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Scandal | Han Sung Ju Video,We recently reported that an anonymous individuals named ‘C’ and ‘B’, leaked a sex tape and several Photos Gallery, including nude ones and passport scans, of female celebrity ‘A’, who was allegedly in a relationship with his acquaintance, ‘B’, in the past. Unsurprisingly, the footage has been spreading across the internet like wildfire, leading to a flurry of rumors and subsequent legal action from celebrity ‘A’.

Official sources have not yet confirmed the identities of the three individuals, but various reports refer to celebrity ‘A’ as Han Sung Joo, a 1995 Miss Korea model and current news anchor.

han sung ju

Han Sung Ju is a Korean beauty queen. She was crowned Miss Korea 1995, and represented Korea to compete in Miss Universe 1995. Han graduated from Korea University. Now she is a MC of a Korea TV. Singer Han Sung Ju Video, Lee Seung Gi and Actress Han Hyo Joo were selected as the best partners to year-end party.

Lee Seung Gi ranked first  for two years in a row in the survey “The Best Male Partner to Year-End Party in 2011″, conducted by Eduwill. About 1,134 people responded to the survey and 31.1 percent of the respondents selected Lee Seung Gi as the first.

han sung ju video

Singer Han Sung Ju Video, Lee Seung Gi and Actress Han Hyo Joo were selected as the best partners to year-end party.
Lee Seung Gi ranked first  for two years in a row in the survey “The Best Male Partner to Year-End Party in 2011″, conducted by Eduwill. About 1,134 people responded to the survey and 31.1 percent of the respondents selected Lee Seung Gi as the first.

jon bon jovi

'Heaven looks a lot like New Jersey:' Jon Bon Jovi's living on more than a prayer as he laughs off death rumours on Twitter 

Although rumours swirled today that he had met his untimely end, Jon Bon Jovi wants his fans to know that he's alive and very well.
The 49-year-old Livin' On A Prayer tweeted a humorous photograph today in response to Internet rumours suggesting he had died.
In the picture, Jon is standing in front of a Christmas tree wearing one of his standard black muscle T-shirts.
He wears a huge grin on his face as he holds up a sign reading: 'Heaven looks a lot like New Jersey
One of his handlers announced the happy news via Jon's own personal Twitter account mere hours ago.
'Rest assured that Jon is fine! This photo was just taken', the Bon Jovi personnel stated..

Indeed, Jon's sign is emblazoned with the date and a time stamp: December 19 at six in the evening.
If the sign isn't sufficient enough evidence, his rep also confirms to TMZ.com that he's still rocking.
Jon can also be seen this holiday season in the romantic comedy New Year's Eve.
He plays a musician (go figure) named Jensen in Garry Marshall's follow-up to 2010's Valentine's Day..

In the film, he must sort out his feelings for ex-girlfriend Laura (Katherine Heigl) before the ball drops in New York City's Times Square.
Despite its A-list cast members, who also include Robert DeNiro, Lea Michele, Ashton Kutcher and Michelle Pfeiffer, the movie failed to perform at the box office.
It raked in only $13.7 million during its opening weekend despite its $56 million price tag.

dark knight rises trailer

Anne Hathaway's Catwoman gets her paws onto Batman as she goes on the prowl in Dark Knight Rises trailer

Batman fans have been treated to a sneak peek of the final installment of Christopher Nolan’s trilogy.
A trailer for Dark Knight Rises has just been released onto the internet - and it's already creating plenty of buzz. 
The trailer begins with a young boy hauntingly singing the national anthem at a football game and ends with terror engulfing the stadium, hinting at the fear and violence in store for Gotham City. 
Christian Bale returns as Bruce Wayne and his alter ego Batman while Anne Hathaway makes her debut as Selina Kyle, also know as Catwoman.
She makes her first appearance in the trainer at masquerade ball and foreshadows danger.
'A storm is coming, Mr. Wayne,' she warns. 'And you and your friends better batten down the hatches.' 
A masked Tom Hardy makes a terrifying arrival on the scene as the evil Bane. 
While some fans who watched the prologue in IMAX cinemas over the weekend complained that the character's voice is too muffled, he is undoubtedly frightening.
'He’s brutal, brutal. He’s expedient delivery of brutality,' Hardy told Empire magazine recently.
'He’s a big dude who’s incredibly clinical, in the fact that he has a result-based and orientated fighting style. The result is clear.'
But Hardy didn't stop there when it came to explaining the fictional character's violent persona.
'The style is heavy-handed, heavy-footed, it’s nasty,' he added.
'Anything from small joint manipulation to crushing skulls, crushing rib cages, stamping on shins and knees and necks and collarbones and snapping heads off and tearing his fists through chests, ripping out spinal columns. It’s anything he can get away with.'
Hardy was hand-picked for the role by director, Christopher Nolan, and it's clear to see why.
The actor is definitely enthusiastic about the role and was even dismissive of the 12 certificate that the film has been given.
'I’m not approaching it with a 12-certificate attitude,' he told the film magazine.
'If we’re going to shoot somebody, shoot the pregnant woman or the old lady first. Make sure everybody stands up. And listens.
'He is a terrorist in his mentality as well as brutal action. So he’s horrible. A really horrible piece of work.
'It’s not about fighting. It’s just about carnage with Bane. He’s a smashing machine. He’s a wrecking ball.'
The comic book character was a child born and raised within the walls of a harsh prison in a fictional Caribbean country, Santa Prisca.
Bane was transformed into a fearsome, hulking man-machine via a physique-enhancing intravenous drug called Venom and his most celebrated storyline is Knightfall, in which he snaps Batman’s spine like a dry twig.
'With Bane, we are looking to give Batman a physical challenge that he hasn’t had before,' said Nolan.
With our choice of villain and with our choice of story we’re testing Batman both physically as well as mentally.
'Bane's a great sort of movie monster, but with an incredible brain, and that was a side of him that hadn’t been tapped before.'
Hardy and actor, Christian Bale who plays Batman, were pictured filming a fight scene in Pittsburgh earlier this year which saw Hardy suffer from a wardrobe malfunction when his trousers ripped down the side.
The pair were fighting on the steps of Gotham City Hall amongst many extras dressed as policemen, and this posed a problem for Hardy.
'When you’re training in a rehearsal room you go, "Okay, I have a contact with seven people,"' he said.
'This guy I chin, this one I slip and I punch, this one I pick up and suplex, this guy I kick in the face, and this one, he stops a hammer with his head. And then I meet Batman.
'That’s all alright in a rehearsal room, but then you add 1,000 people that are all dressed the same as the seven you’re supposed to hit - because they’re all police officers — and I don’t know where my police officers are. But the stuntmaster’s like, "Don’t worry. They will find you."'
However Nolan has no regrets about casting Hardy in his third Batman film.
'He’s found a way to play a character who is enormous and powerful with a sort of calm to it, but also is able to be incredibly fast at times. Unpredictable.
'It’s a very powerful thing when you see it come together, beyond what I had ever imagined. That’s what you get from working with great actors.'
The Dark Knight Rises will be released in the US and UK in July.

Robert Levine

'Free Ride's' Robert Levine on 'Spooky' Google and Hollywood's 'Offensive Excess'

For anyone who follows film, television, publishing and newspapers -- our culture industry --  Robert Levine, the former editor of Billboard and a New York Times alum, has written a must-read book.

In "Free Ride," Levine details how in less than two decades the Internet, dominated by technology companies like Google, has undermined the foundations of venerable institutions such as Warner Bros. and the New York Times.

Not only do movie studios and record labels have to reconsider their business models, but they also have to worry about their very existence.

There is no one-size-fits all solution, but Levine presents a variety of new business models and strategies to rescue these companies – from Hollywood’s UltraViolet to newspaper paywalls to online music streaming services like Spotify.

Levine argues that media companies and technology companies – currently fighting one another – must work together to make people pay for content, preserve artistic creation and help the Internet live up to its potential.

TheWrap spoke with Levine, who lives in Berlin, about why Google probably hates him, Hollywood greed and the knuckleheads over at The Guardian.

TheWrap: Let’s start with Google, since you devote an entire chapter to them. What’s so offensive about how the company operates?

Levine: It’s so omnipresent that people almost don’t realize its there. What’s really interesting is the extent to which our conversation about new media is shaped by Google from its funded think tanks to its human rights council. The extent to which they are everywhere in the debate is sort of spooky.

So should people view Google as evil?

A couple of people have said, what do I have against them? Maybe that’s my fault as a writer, but I don’t have anything against them. Google is a fantastically successful company that makes some great products. They spend a lot of money to lobby and are extraordinarily effective at doing that. I don’t think that’s evil, I think that’s business. But Google influences the world in less obvious ways and people should know more about it.

Martin Scorsese

Vince Pace Reveals How Martin Scorsese's 'Hugo' Is Changing the Future of 3D Filmmaking

The co-chairman of the Cameron | Pace Group says the world's first "CPG Certified" 3D movie has already captured Hollywood studios' attention, surpassing even the work CPG did for James Cameron's "Avatar."

Martin Scorsese’s 3D movie, Hugo, has already garnered accolades around the world, including best film of the year by the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures and a Golden Globe nomination for best dramatic film, and has been selected for consideration for achievement in visual effects for the Academy Awards.
According to Vince Pace, co-chairman of CAMERON | PACE Group, the world’s first "CPG-Certified" 3D movie has also been influential behind-the-scenes in opening the eyes of filmmakers and studio executives to what 3D done correctly can translate to on the big screen.
PHOTOS: Martin Scorsese On Set
"From the critics through to the studios all the way through to the DPs, we’ve won a big battle with Hugo," said Pace. "At a time when there’s been a lot of discussion about the 3D medium and is it good enough and does it enhance the storytelling, Hugo has paid off. People now realize what we’re doing and that the approach to what we’re doing is different. 3D is as good as it gets when it’s done this way. People are now coming to us asking how they can achieve what Hugo has with 3D."
CPG supplied director Scorsese, cinematographer Robert Richardson and the Hugo crew with the equipment and training that enabled them to shoot the film in 3D. In addition, the film used patented technology and a custom-built infrastructure that allowed the filmmakers to review stereo dailies that were unprecedentedly high-quality. Pace also worked on-set with the filmmakers, supervising the stereo acquisition, and then finished the effort by performing the stereo postproduction work and delivering the final stereo DI (digital intermediate).
"Hugo is the first film I've shot in 3D," said Richardson. "Before I worked with CPG, I was concerned that there would be pressure to change my method and my instincts, but CPG made 3D work for me, not the other way around."
THR COVER STORY: The Dreams of Martin Scorsese
Pace said that in many ways, Hugo pushes 3D beyond what James Cameron and he were able to achieve with the Oscar-winning Avatar because the tools and the technology have advanced. CPG has also learned from its own experience working on Avatar and recent films like Transformers: Dark of the Moon.
“We were experimenting with Avatar,” said Pace. “We could have gone further, but we wanted to make sure we found ourselves somewhere in the middle of concentrating on a good film and focusing on 3D elements. We didn’t want to compromise the actual film by taking away from the story for the sake of 3D. We tended to play it somewhat safer in the approach. But as Jim likes to say, ‘You don’t make any mistakes when you’re first.’”
Pace said that the industry is also seeing what happens when an expert filmmaker like Scorsese can do when 3D becomes a layer to the storytelling exercise.
“Marty knew where he wanted to go and was adamant to get there,” said Pace. “Early on, we explained to Marty that he was doing exactly what he’d normally do in approaching a film. 3D was playing an opportunistic role, not changing everything he knew.”
STORY: 'Hugo' and 'The Artist' Top the Broadcast Film Critics' List of Nominations With 11 Each
Pace said one of the problems 3D films have faced is that filmmakers are trying to shape their work around 3D, rather than having the 3D shaped around what the artists and DPs want to accomplish. As a result, the 3D films that have been released since Avatar have been anywhere between 40 percent to 70 percent of where 3D could be, but Pace said Hugo shows 3D filmmaking at 100 percent capacity.
“The real challenge is reversing the tide of 3D going to effects instead of perspective,” said Pace. “Hugo helps us get it back on the right track. With all of our projects, the beauty is that we’re supporting the efforts of filmmakers rather than reinventing the process.”
Pace said CPG is going to double its capacity going into next year as it works with more film and broadcast partners. The company is currently working with the BBC on its Walking With Dinosaurs franchise.
STORY: Martin Scorsese to Receive Santa Barbara Film Festival's American Riviera Award
While Hugo is an important part of CPG’s plans, Pace said the ultimate goal is to get studios to align with the path. Moving forward, individual movies and projects won’t play as important a role as the adoption of the 3D workflow by filmmakers and broadcasters.
“The good news is this isn’t a daunting path that we’re taking,” said Pace. “Most people coming into this relationship think it’s difficult, but in real terms, every good director becomes a CPG ally. Scalability is not the challenge.”

Mission Impossible 4

Paramount Seized on a Big Platform for Limited 'M:I4' Bow -- And It Worked

Paramount’s decision to start "Mission: Impossible 4" small – albeit through large-format screenings – seems to be paying off.

The Tom Cruise tentpole came in third at the domestic box office,
grossing $13 million in only 425 locations. When the movie opens wide this Tuesday after 5 p.m., it will have significant momentum behind it.

That was the point: By delivering a healthy number on a small number of screens -- 425 is 11.5 percent of the 3,703 screens that the No. 1 "Sherlock Holmes" opened on last weekend -- "M:I4" captured all kinds of buzz as it expands in a crowded field.

Also read: Christmas Crush: Too Many Big Films Crowd Soft Holiday Box Office

The studio originally planned to open "Mission: Impossible -- Ghost Protocol" in wide release Dec. 16, but changed its mind after Warner Bros. announced it was releasing "Sherlock Holmes -- A Game of Shadows" on that day.

"We had to figure, do we want to go on the same date or do we want to move it?" Don Harris, Paramount's head of distribution, told TheWrap.

He said the studio hatched the limited release in part due to director Brad Bird’s enthusiasm about filming movie in IMAX.

The concept was, “this movie is, from a technical standpoint and from a visual standpoint, this thing is the next leap forward,” Harris said. “And we have got to find a way to let people know this isn't just another in the series of 'Mission: Impossibles.'"

Also read: 'Mission: Impossible' Matters Again With Gasp-Inducing 'Ghost Protocol'

“M:I4" debuted at 300 IMAX locations and 125 other large-format theaters.A bonus: At 50 of the IMAX theaters, audiences got to see a 6-minute prologue of "The Dark Knight Rises."

Greg Foster, chairman, filmed entertainment at the IMAX Corp., told TheWrap that the 300 IMAX theaters took in $11 million -- an IMAX record for the month of December.

"When it works, it's really nice -- and this is working," Foster told TheWrap. "Our 300 screens are a way to get the word out that this isn't just a regular movie."

The per-screen average was an exceptional $30,580.

"The goal of the whole experiment is to serve as a catalyst for the movie's overall success,” Foster said. “Based on the reaction this past weekend, it worked."

Still, Harris conceded it was a risky strategy, given the stakes of the movie – and the franchise – to the studio.

“It's not like risking on a small movie -- not like 'Paranormal Activity,' where you take it out at midnight, try to see if it works. If it doesn't work, you're not out a lot of money,” Harris said.

“In this case, it's a very expensive movie."

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen Starts Christmas Early With Denise Richards and Kids

If Charlie Sheen is looking to break his cycle of shameful Christmas vacations, this would seem to be the way to do it.

The again-employed actor got a jump start on the holidays this week, tweeting a photo of himself with ex-wife Denise Richards, their daughters, Sam and Lola, and Denise's adopted daughter, Eloise.

"...all in the family—a Christmas.... to remember..! xo c," Sheen wrote.

And where is all this yuletide action taking place? Well, considering Richards is wearing a bikini under her tank top...

MORE: Charlie Sheen "Cleans House," Dumps Personal Assistant

They must be somewhere sunny and on an ocean, because Sheen also posted a pic of the family wearing shorts and T-shirts yesterday on WhoSay.

"What's better than a modern family vacation!?! love spending winter break w/ @denise_richards & my kids!" he wrote—sometime before rising at dawn today to go fishing.

"6:30am Hemingway would be proud..." he wrote. "I think the great DiMaggio would be proud of me today. Hell... I'm proud of me today."

And we'll all be proud if the rest of Sheen's winter vacay remains perfectly uneventful.

mission impossible 4

Paramount Pictures’ Mission: Impossible franchise is a rare phenomenon. Few film series based on properties as old as it is have retained such relevance in the modern movie market, and few take as long a break in between installments, making each new entry a highly anticipated event.

Such is the case with Ghost Protocol, the fourth in fifteen years starring Tom Cruise as super-agent Ethan Hunt. Adding to the hoopla surrounding the holiday release is the fact that it marks the live-action directorial debut of Brad Bird, the Pixar wunderkind responsible for Oscar-winning hits The Incredibles and Ratatouille. Unfortunately, I feel that the animation auteur had too much to prove in his first physical outing and tried a bit too hard to thrill, resulting in a film that plays more like John Woo’s over-the-top M:I:II than Brian de Palma’s suspenseful original.

The plot essentially kicks off when a bomb blasts a hole the size of a football field in the Kremlin (Russia’s most important government facility) while Hunt and his team of IMF agents (Paula Patton and Simon Pegg) attempt to extract a nuclear detonation device from the fortress before a mysterious figure known only as Cobalt can get to it first. The problem: Cobalt has gotten to it first, and frames Hunt and company for the bombing, causing the U.S. President to enact "Ghost Protocol," which disbands the IMF and disavows its soldiers. Knowing that the theft of the device, and a batch of codes that enable it to be used prior to this event, means that Cobalt surely intends to start World War III, the agents go rogue to retrieve the components and bring the terrorist to justice.

Like the fore mentioned bomb blast, Josh Appelbaum and Andre Nemec’s script is devastating, leaving scattered pieces of information all over the place and making it hard for the story to truly find its footing. Expository plot points are dropped in way after they’re needed or wanted, messing with the pace of the movie on more than one occasion. Perhaps their biggest crime is crafting a lame villain with little presence in the picture. After the intensity that Phillip Seymour Hoffman brought to his antagonist in M:I:III, Michael Nyqvist’s quiet and composed Hendricks just isn’t convincing enough as a true threat. On the other hand, Bird’s direction is anything but composed. 

While his use of IMAX cameras is quite breathtaking when filming the much-publicized Burj Khalifa climb and other notable set pieces, as stated before his approach to the material seemed to be “let’s make every action sequence as ludicrous as we can.” I realize that MIGP is a holiday blockbuster designed to get audiences blood pumping, but I’ve always found that action films work best when they operate (mostly) within the confines of reality. That’s clearly not the case here, where Hunt drives perfectly through a blinding sandstorm without causing much collateral damage and nosedives a Volkswagen off of a 30-foot drop and lives to save the day.

Still, it’s all in the name of fun, and he does manage to create an entertaining dynamic between his IMF agents. Patton is totally passable as Jane Carter, an agent seeking revenge for the murder of her cohort and apparent beau Hanaway (Josh Holloway), while Pegg, returning as Benji the tech-geek from the preceding film, has been promoted to field agent and is without question the movie’s saving grace. Though his comic relief is relied heavily upon, it’s absolutely welcomed. The biggest surprise is Jeremy Renner, who was supposedly brought in to take the reigns of the franchise, but is pretty stale as Brandt. He never elevates his character to the level of coolness that Cruise has maintained throughout the years, and doesn’t provide anything significant other than assistance. Given the talent that we all know he possesses, his negligible contribution was a bigger let down than the film itself

aarif lee

Bruce Lee's 70th birthday was on November 27 and to celebrate it, Hong Kong has released the much anticipated movie "Bruce Lee My Brother." 

Starring the year's biggest new talent Aarif Lee, the film is a sentimental look at the kung fu legend's life before he turned 18 years old.

The choice of Aarif Lee -- no relation to Bruce -- to play the late martial artist was particularly apt, even if the young star doesn't think so himself.
"To be honest I don't think I look like Bruce Lee," Aarif told CNNGo. "But we have the approval of the Lee family [for the casting]; we've got their support to film Bruce Lee's story."

Touted as one of the most accurate portrayals of Bruce Lee's early life, "Bruce Lee My Brother" was made after consultation with Bruce's brother Robert Lee and his two sisters. The influence of the Lee family is certainly apparent -- it is hard to find any truly dark traits in any of the Lee family characters and their friends. Least of all, Bruce.

His gang fighting and run-ins with the law are all presented with a pink-hued wash of nostalgia and glorification of violence as a means to an end.

Aarif Lee's wholesome image was thus perfectly suited for the role. The actor-singer-songwriter was fresh off the festival trails from his debut in "Echoes of the Rainbow" a tear-jerking melodrama that won the Crystal Bear at the Berlin Film Festival 2010 and garnered a Best New Performer award for Aarif at the Hong Kong Film Awards.

His role was that of the elder brother to the protagonist, a straight A student and a jock who dies tragically young. A perfect precursor to playing Bruce Lee.
Transformation and devotion

But to fully transform himself into the martial arts phenomenon, Aarif Lee had his work cut out for him. Starting with watching Bruce's films for the first time.

"I wasn't a Bruce Lee fan back then [before making this film]," he says.

"Of course I knew how powerful he was. But it wasn't until I had done a lot of research and watched a lot of his movies after agreeing to the role that I realized he was truly amazing."

Leading up to the shoot of "Bruce Lee My Brother," Aarif trained intensively in wing chun and free-fighting. His changing physique became tabloid fodder.

"I devoted myself to the world of Bruce. Not only with his martial arts. I think what was more impressive was his philosophical thinking. He would keep trying to challenge existing principles and to challenge himself. Many great physicists are very much like this and they are the type of people who push the world forward each day," Aarif says.

The remark about physicists stems from Aarif's own background in the science -- he has a degree in physics from Imperial College in London. The brains-and-brawn combination makes him a standout in the sea of Hong Kong's manufactured celebs, as well as one fraction closer to Bruce Lee's spirit.

xinmsn catchup tv

Xinmsn Catch Up Tv ,The TV service will be available free to all residents of the United Kingdom will advertising and the costs of transmission. Start the service will have more than 300 hours of TV streams available.
Xin Msn Catchup

TV programmes are not displayed in the MSN player until the end of the line are at the service of broadcasters offers on their own sites. The BBC iPlayer catchup for seven days after the transmission service and Channel 4 4oD service is 30 days. Although it is understood that MSN do not display the contents only shows will show after 180 days of originally airing.
Xin Msn Catchup

MSN Video Player the six-month pilot phase, the ad space at the time of programming is purchased by three media agencies: MediaCom, that all advertising on demand for channel five when he revived interaction, recognition from clients and MEC bought.
Xin Msn Catchup

Microsoft Netherlands, managing director of consumer and online, said Ashley Highfield, which the company from midnight oil had burned in the project in the past four months, the project Kangaroo, BBC Worldwide, ITV and Channel 4 UTEHet was blocked by the regulatory authorities.

weather forecast singapore


 Previews of upcoming launch on Monday !
Below are some of my favourite pieces.
Wearing this dress out on Monday for dinner with the girls !

4d results singapore

Magnum 4D Result
Date : 17/12/2011 (Saturday)
1st 2nd 3rd
2251 9055 6134
7546 6353 8477
5640 6910 0382
7618 7565 0345
1962 1789 9400
1753 6288 4909
5070 8797 4126
1+3D PMP Result
Date : 17/12/2011 (Saturday)
1st 2nd 3rd
1782 2755 2155
2593 0117 8769
4266 7363 2373
7228 2132 8612
1852 0394 2405
3620 3555 9565
3687 5013 2335
TOTO 4D Result
Date : 17/12/2011 (Saturday)
1st 2nd 3rd
8118 0902 4981
4318 6335 0199
6329 0742 5617
0639 7097 9151
3846 2176 3836
5051 4272 4621
6834 1604 6422
TOTO 5D Result
Date : 17/12/2011 (Saturday)
1st 4 1 3 1 7
2nd 1 5 0 0 8
3rd 0 5 7 6 9
4th 1 3 1 7
5th 3 1 7
6st 1 7
TOTO 6D Result
Date : 17/12/2011 (Saturday)
1st 8 5 7 0 3 7
2nd 5 7 0 3 7
3rd 7 0 3 7
4th 0 3 7
5th 3 7
2nd 8 5 7 0 3
3rd 8 5 7 0
4th 8 5 7
5th 8 5
MEGA TOTO 6/52 Result
Date : 17/12/2011 (Saturday)
7 22 26 29 40 45
TOTO 6/55 Jackpot Result
Date : 17/12/2011 (Saturday)
14 27 30 47 49 52
SUPREME TOTO 6/58 Result
Date : 17/12/2011 (Saturday)
5 13 26 34 49 51
Sandakan 4D Result
Date : 17/12/2011 (Saturday)
1st 2nd 3rd
2992 2363 2239
7243 2606 4727
8918 7291 7459
3796 3591 9559
5215 3427 2847
5703 6845 0583
1867 2507 1016
Sarawak Cash 1+3D Result
Date : 17/12/2011 (Saturday)
1st 2nd 3rd
0323 4606 2736
2690 0532 3330
1935 8040 0265
0156 3778 7447
9300 3783 9290
9905 0245 8255
5845 7510 5586

Singapore 4D Result
Date : 17/12/2011 (Saturday)
1st 2nd 3rd
9737 4487 5734
4399 8354 5959
8543 9342 6850
0240 8769 8973
1092 0928 7243
6088 3253 1386
6998 6486 7854
Singapore Toto 6/45 Result
Date : 1/3/2010 (Monday)
23 25 27 31 40 42 + 20
Sabah 4D Result
Date : 17/12/2011 (Saturday)
1st 2nd 3rd
8132 4949 3547
5644 7456 1669
2013 7068 2539
5628 0886 6869
9351 9296 8958
2624 9581 6375
0654 9838 8492
Sabah 3D Result
17/12/2011 (Saturday)
1st 2nd 3rd
448 113 780
Sabah Lotto Result
17/12/2011 (Saturday)
1 5 31 37 41 45 + 44

New John Carter TV Spots Bring The Action

Two new TV spots promoting upcoming Disney sci-fi epic John Carter have landed online, and they both play up the battle scenes.

Yahoo! Movies has condensed the two 30-second promos into one video, which you can watch below.

There are still echoes of Avatar and Attack Of The Clones here, but it looks like the action is being pulled off with considerable flair.

And if sci-fi movies and unusual aliens aren't your thing, there's plenty of human flesh to ogle (take your pick from Taylor Kitsch's Carter and Lynn Collins' Martian princess Dejah Thoris).

Giuliana Rancic on Double Mastectomy "Surgery Was a Success and I'm Happy to Be Back Home

Giuliana Rancic might not back in the E! offices yet—hey, it's only been three days since her double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery—but she is already back at home as of this morning and in good spirits.

"I'm feeling good and I'm happy to be back home," she exclusively tells E! News.

MORE: Giuliana undergoes double mastectomy surgery

Rancic decided to undergo the four-hour procedure on Tuesday after learning she still had breast cancer following treatment earlier this year. She is currently recovering with the help of husband Bill Rancic.

"I'm healthy and surgery was a success. It's been tough, but I'm trying to stay strong and manage the pain. I have to say I have a newfound respect for women who have been through breast cancer and this surgery," Giuliana says.

Glad you're on the mend, G! Can't wait until you're back.

britney spears and jason trawick

Britney Spears and Jason Trawick are pulling out all the stops to celebrate their engagement.
The pair are holding a private gathering in Las Vegas with friends and family at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas tonight. 
They are then expected to enjoy a big celebratory dinner at the Chocolate Lounge at the Sugar Factory in the Paris Hotel before carrying on the festivities at a dance party at the Chateau nightclub.
Of course, Vegas is familiar territory for the singer - it is where her 55 hour marriage to first husband Jason Alexander began and ended..
The Hollywood agent asked for the pop star's hand in marriage in Los Angeles yesterday on his 40th birthday.
'Yes, we are engaged,' Trawick told Access Hollywood today.
He is said to have presented her with a Neil Lane featuring a round three carat stone that features pave diamonds on the band.
'It's very traditional,' an insider tells Us Weekly.
'He picked out something he knew she would love.'
'He surprised her after she gave him his gifts and after they had cake last night,' another source adds.
The 30-year-old singer, who has just wrapped her Femme Fatale tour, hinted at the news this morning on her Twitter page.
'OMG. Last night Jason surprised me with the one gift I've been waiting for,' she tweeted.
She then teased: 'Can't wait to show you! SO SO SO excited! Xxo.'
Sources told TMZ that her conservators gave marriage their stamp of approval.
He also did right by her father, Jamie Spears, by asking for his daughter's hand in marriage.
They will put a pre-nuptial agreement into effect before they tie the knot, according to sources.
Britney first started Jason in early 2009 following her tumultuous relationship with paparazzo Adnan Ghalib.
She says she 'made the first move' on Trawick, who was her then her agent.
He stepped down from that role in May this year.
They mixed business and pleasure again in September when she cast him to play her love interested in the video for her single Criminal.

kobe bryant wife

Kobe Bryant's wife, who stood by her husband when he was charged with sexual assault in 2003, filed for divorce on Friday from the Los Angeles Lakers star, citing irreconcilable differences after a decade of marriage.
Vanessa Bryant signed the papers on Dec. 1. Kobe Bryant signed his response on Dec. 7 and it was filed Friday, according to the documents. "The Bryants have resolved all issues incident to their divorce privately with the assistance of counsel and a judgment dissolving their marital status will be entered in 2012," according to a statement from a representative for the couple.
In the filing, Vanessa Bryant asked for joint legal and physical custody of the couple's two daughters, Natalia, 8, and Gianna, 5. Kobe Bryant asked for the same in his response. Vanessa Bryant also requested spousal support.
(Watch TIME's basketball lesson with Kobe Bryant.)
The Bryants "ask that in the interest of our young children and in light of the upcoming holiday season the public respect our privacy during this difficult time," according to the statement.
Bryant met his future wife in 1999 on a music video shoot when Vanessa Laine was 18 years old. Six months later, she and the then-21-year-old Bryant became engaged. They married on April 18, 2001.
The Bryants have been through trying times together. Vanessa Bryant appeared at a news conference with her husband when he was charged with sexually assaulting a 19-year-old woman who worked at the exclusive Lodge & Spa at Cordillera near Vail, Colo., in 2003. She held his hand and stroked it tenderly as the NBA star admitted he was guilty of adultery — but nothing else. Earlier she had issued her own statement to the media, vowing to stand by her husband. "I know that my husband has made a mistake — the mistake of adultery," she said in the statement at the time. "He and I will have to deal with that within our marriage, and we will do so. He is not a criminal."
A year later, prosecutors dropped the criminal charge against Kobe Bryant because the woman did not want to go ahead with a trial.
Last year, Kobe and Vanessa Bryant settled litigation with a former maid who accused the NBA star's wife of harassment. The Bryants countersued Maria Jimenez for violating a confidentiality agreement by talking to reporters about the family.

Xin Msn Catch Up

Missed the National Day Parade 2010? Don’t worry, you can always catch up with what you missed here at xinmsn. That’s what I love about Microsoft. It is just so amazing and cool when you see Microsoft platforms and the various works fitting in seamlessly. The interoperability of Microsoft’s platform is just so amazing.

On the 9th August 2010, the live telecast of the National Day
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In the past, we had to tape the shows that we knew we were going to miss so as to catch up watching another day. Today, with all these technologies in place, we won’t really have to record the shows that we will be missing, instead, we could catch them on xinmsn from all around the world.
Xinmsn is great because even if you are overseas and you miss Singapore shows, you can always tune in to xinmsn for a free range of TV shows as long you are connected to the internet and have a web browser.

kerry group competitors

SINGAPORE - Former foreign minister, George Yeo, will be joining the Kuok Group as vice-chairman of Kerry Group (HK) from Jan 1 next year.

In a note released on his Facebook page this afternoon, it stated that he will be based in both Singapore and Hong Kong.

Mr Yeo added that he will be handing over his appointment as Adviser to grassroots organizations in Aljunied GRC at the end of this year, but remains a Visiting Scholar at the LKY School of Public Policy.

The Kerry group - primarily a property firm - also owns a controlling stake of the South China Morning Post, the most successful English-language newspaper in China and Hong Kong, reported The Straits Times.

The Kuok Group is a Malaysian conglomerate run by 'sugar king' Robert Kuok, for which Mr Yeo was senior advisor since Oct this year.

Mr Yeo served 23 years in Government, and held posts such as minister for information and the arts, health minister, trade and industry minister and foreign minister.

He led the People's Action Party Aljunied GRC team that lost to the opposition Workers' Party in the May general election.

kerry group

Kerry Group today is a world leader in food ingredients and flavours serving the food and beverage industry, and a leading supplier of added value brands and customer branded foods to the Irish and UK markets.

The Group has grown organically and through a series of strategic acquisitions in its relatively short history, from the commissioning of its first dairy and ingredients plant in Listowel, Ireland in 1972, and has achieved sustained profitable growth with current annualised sales of approximately €5.0 billion.

Headquartered in Tralee, Ireland, the Group employs over 20,000 people throughout its manufacturing, sales, technology and application centres across Europe, North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand and Asian Markets.

We supply over 15,000 food, food ingredients and flavour products to customers in more than 140 countries worldwide. We have established manufacturing facilities in 23 different countries and international sales offices in 20 other countries across the globe.

Launched as a public company in 1986, Kerry Group plc is listed on the Dublin and London Stock Markets and has a current market capitalisation in excess of €4 billion.

Kerry has grown to become one of the largest and most technologically advanced manufacturers of ingredients and flavours in the world.  Spanning all major food categories, Kerry’s core technologies and global resources in culinary, dairy, lipid, meat, cereal, sweet and beverage systems and flavours provide innovative, practical product solutions to food manufacturers and foodservice companies. By utilising our core strengths, gaining synergy from combining technologies and taking a systems approach to opportunities, Kerry excels in value creation for our customers through integrated customer-focused development programmes.

Kerry Foods, the Group's consumer foods division has established strong strategic and commercial alliances with its retail partners in the Irish and UK markets.  Through organic growth and acquisitions in both branded and private label sectors, Kerry Foods has become a leading producer of chilled consumer food products in both markets. Our brands are household names including category leading brands such as Wall's, Mattessons, Richmond, Pure, Denny, Galtee, Roscrea, Shaws, Ballyfree, Cheestrings, Charleville, Mitchelstown, LowLow and Dairygold to name but a few.

etta james at last album

Legendary blues singer Etta James is terminally ill, suffering through the "final stages" of a years-long battle with leukemia, dementia and Hepatitis C.

As Lupe De Leon, her manager of thirty years, tells fans to brace for the singer's passing, James' doctor urges her supporters to pray for the 73-year-old entertainer, saying her cancer has reached the incurable stage.

etta james at last

Dr. Elaine James, who is no relation to the singer, told a California newspaper in a video interview that the 73-year-old "At Last" singer has leukemia, dementia and kidney disease among her "many, many illnesses."

"At the present time, Etta is considered terminally ill," the doctor told the Press-Enterprise newspaper in Riverside, California, east of Los Angeles. Dr. James added that the diagnosis was made about two weeks ago by three medical specialists including an oncologist and an internist from a local hospital where the singer is frequently treated.

James' two sons, Donto and Sametto, told Reuters on Friday that they were not sure the terminally ill diagnosis was accurate and it was announced without the family's agreement.

The singer's sons are currently involved in a court battle with their stepfather Artis Mills over conservatorship of James' $1 million estate.

Both sons agree that their mother's health is deteriorating and felt that she should be admitted to hospital rather than receiving care at her home in Riverside.

"I saw her the day before yesterday, and I think she needs to be in the hospital. She doesn't look good," said Donto James.

With songs like "The Wallflower" and "Good Rockin' Daddy," James, a three-time Grammy winner, was a key figure in the early days of rock 'n' roll and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1993.

The singer has battled obesity and heroin addiction throughout her life. She lost more than 200 pounds after undergoing gastric bypass surgery in 2003.

More recently, she was hospitalized in 2010 with numerous ailments including a bloodstream infection. She become ill while being treated for an addiction to painkillers and over-the-counter medicine in a detoxification center.

James has remained active in the music industry despite her ailments, and she released an album in November this year entitled "The Dreamer."

"I don't think it was meant to be her final album, of course she wants to make more music," said Sametto James.

Jackson Projected As A Solid Second Running Back

t's been a rough three weeks for St. Louis Rams RB, who likely hit rock bottom of a disappointing stretch last week vs. the Niners when he rushed for 19 yards on 10 carries. His production will almost assuredly tick up from that in Week 14, but will it be enough to warrant a placement in a starting spot in fantasy?

According to numberFire.com, the answer is yes. numberFire has Jackson projected as the No. 20 overall running back for the week, making him at least a solid flex option in any standard fantasy league, if not an outright RB2. The Seahawks rush defense is very solid, coming in at 11th in the NFL at 103.5 yards per game, so maybe Jackson's projection says less about him and more about the other potential running back options out there.

With N.B.A. Apparently Wanting More, the Clippers Halt Talks for Paul

LOS ANGELES — The hunt for Chris Paul, also known as the journey to nowhere, was back where it started on Monday, when the Los Angeles Clippers broke off talks about acquiring him.
In the four days since Commissioner David Stern vetoed a three-way deal that would have sent Paul to the Los Angeles Lakers from the New Orleans Hornets, there have been two sets of talks. They have involved 4 teams, at least 11 players, and the N.B.A. vice presidents Stu Jackson and Joel Litvin, who are essentially acting as general managers for the Hornets, a team owned by the league.

The outcome: No deals yet. Paul remains in the Hornets’ training camp.

That leaves Stern, in a dual role as commissioner and de facto New Orleans owner, obliged to keep his staff — now effectively the Hornets’ staff — looking for a deal as Paul’s free-agent clock ticks.

The unusual situation started when the league took over the Hornets last December, buying out the distressed owner George Shinn.

At the time, Phil Jackson, then the coach of the Lakers, and a longtime critic of the league office, raised the issue, noting Paul’s impending free agency.

“When Chris says he has to be traded, how’s that going to go?” Jackson asked. “Someone’s going to have to make a very nonjudgmental decision that’s not going to irritate anyone else in the league.”

The league took over effective control in these new talks, and Hornets General Manager Dell Demps, who made the doomed deal with the Lakers, has been reduced to passing proposals back and forth between the Clippers and N.B.A. officials.

The Clippers were ready to give up their star guard Eric Gordon, center Chris Kaman and Minnesota’s unprotected No. 1 pick in the June draft.

But at the end of negotiations between the Clippers and the N.B.A. officials, it seemed the Clippers would also have to give up two more young players, Eric Bledsoe and Al-Farouq Aminu. To the league’s surprise, Los Angeles would not part with Bledsoe.

Instead, the Clippers claimed the former Knick Chauncey Billups off waivers, perhaps in anticipation of ultimately trading a point guard or two.

Adding to the whirlwind of nonactivity, the Orlando Magic, who have said they would take offers accommodating Dwight Howard’s demand to be traded, went back to saying they will do all they can to keep him.

“We have to continue to do what’s right for this organization to win a championship, and the first piece of that is keeping Dwight,” the Magic chief executive, Alex Martins, said at the team’s practice site in Orlando.

“And we’re doing everything we can to ensure that we do that. Our fans need to make sure that we show him the love.”

Howard went back to his “I love Orlando” mantra, however qualified.

“I love this city and there’s no place I’d rather be than Orlando,” he said. “I just want to make sure that we have the right things here so we can win a championship. And I’m all about change. If you’re willing to change and willing do what it takes to win, then you’ve got me.

“You only get one time around the track. There’s no reset button. You don’t want to miss out on any opportunity to win. You’ve got to do what it takes to win.”

Howard and Paul have spurned extension offers, alerting the Hornets and the Magic to the risk of being left with nothing if they let their stars walk away next summer.

Paul has given the Hornets three teams he is willing to go to.

¶ The Knicks, his original favorite, no longer have the maximum slot they were expecting to have last season, when Paul joked about forming a new big three with Amar’e Stoudemire and Carmelo Anthony, in a toast at Anthony’s wedding.

¶ The Lakers, Paul’s second choice, made an offer, but were shot down by Stern on Thursday. They tried to rework the three-team deal with the Hornets and the Rockets, but suddenly dropped out. Talks between the Lakers and the Magic were brief and came to nothing.

¶ And the Clippers, No. 3 on Paul’s list, had their deal fall through Monday.

Everyone can start over from the beginning on Tuesday.

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